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Worship Metal’s Indispensable Guide To Wildfire Festival’s 2016 Line Up!

24-26 June 2016.....it's gonna be a scorcher!

Death Metal

Source // TheMoshvilleTImes

Source // TheMoshvilleTImes

In 2016, Wildfire have upped the ante when it comes to the ‘heaviness’ factor! There may be just the two death metal bands to discuss but these are two bands worthy of high praise, starting with the marauding Gormathon who are making their way to Scottish shores all the way from Sweden.

Gormathon’s melodic death metal proudly shoehorns all manner of influences into its viking metal hammering. From classic 80’s metal soloing, pinches of the Gothenburg sound and the obvious Amon Amarth-isms, heritage and honour ooze through each crushing riff, inhuman growl, soaring power-metal harmony and expansive songwriting. Quite possibly the most unique band on Wildfire’s bill this year, Gormathon are sure to deliver an awe-inspiring set!

A little closer to home, Preston’s All Consumed offer a more clinical death metal battery. Unrefined, unfettered and un-f*cking-believably savage, All Consumed are simply brutal and brutally simple. Fed on a diet of extreme metal’s finest, we can’t wait to bear witness to their deathly attack. Neck-wrecking stuff!

Editors note: As you’ve probably noticed, we haven’t covered each and every band on Wildfire’s extensive bill, just the ones that have caught our attention…..so far! That’s the wonder of festivals such as this, we’re sure to discover something special that until now has passed us by. June can’t come quick enough!

Facebook: WildFireFestivalUK
Twitter: @WildFireFestUK

Wildfire Festival 2016 current poster 2

About Chris Jennings (1996 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

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