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MuckRaker – Karmageddon – Album Review

Source // www.eternalsoundrecordsshop.bigcartel.com

Finally receiving a European release, MuckRaker’s blue-collar metal is an immediate attention grabber with massive balls, massive tunes and a welcome sense of humour that results in 10 of the filthiest, riffed-up, beered-up, heavy metal stompers this side of the last Clutch album.

In fact, Karmageddon warrants ample Clutch comparisons and while licking the dick of Neil Fallon and the rest of the Clutch crew is all well and good, if you’re going to try and take on the big boys you’d better deliver! Well, call us smart alec’s but MuckRaker must have been guzzling gallons of Clutch’s creative juices as this is without a doubt a Southern metal maelstrom of the highest order.”Red Vulture” brings fuzz and gravel to the party, all distorted riffing, sledgehammer grooves and asphalt vocals while “Rusticus (The Alarm Part 2)” borders on jaunty; shit-kickin’ party anthems one and all!

Some albums are born to be played over and over again, never tiring, never becoming overly familiar and providing a fist-to-the-face-fix each and every time it’s played.

Karmageddon is one of those albums.

The ridiculously catchy vocal-lines of “Rise Of The Loggerheads” wouldn’t even leave the most hung-over, booze-addled brain two months after a 48 hour bender. Yeah, pretty fuckin’ memorable! And so it goes for the remainder of the album. Classic riffs, ironic lyrics and Will Price’s hard-as-nails hollering bouncing around your brain for days on end. Quality. 8/10

Muckraker Karmageddon

About Chris Jennings (1996 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

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