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6 Under-Appreciated Classics Of UK Thrash (Pt.3)

Fuck COVID. Listen to UK thrash!

Parts 1 & 2 of our under-appreciated classics of UK thrash already highlighted the likes of Pariah, Seventh Angel, D.A.M and Deathwish among others but there’s plenty more quality thrash from good ol’ Blighty still knocking around, collecting dust at the bottom of the thrash pile….which is tantamount to sacrilege!

In actuality, the UK thrashed just as hard as Germany, Brazil and the States and we’ve selected another 6 unsung classics of UK thrash that deserve to be re-evaluated, re-assessed and re-played at eardrum bursting volume!

Thrash it up, UK style!

Amnesia – Unknown Entity (1991)

Amnesia – Unknown Entity (1991, CD) - Discogs

You may have no recollection of them (ha!) but Amnesia had a brief brush with fame when they signed with a subsidiary of Peaceville Records and swiftly recorded their debut album, Unknown Entity, back in 1991.

Ironically apt given its title, this relatively unknown entity was actually a damn fine band, leaning a little too heavily on the riffs of Testament perhaps – “the intro to “The Final Revelation” is ripped straight from The New Order’s “Eerie Inhabitants” – but still capable of thrashing up a storm when required!

Admittedly, Amnesia were in dire need of a singer who could rival the legendary Chuck Billy. While passable enough, the vocals of Simon Rose lacked that killer edge but these guys were still good enough to warrant far more attention than they received

Arbitrater – Darkened Reality (1993)

Arbitrater - Darkened Reality - Reviews - Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal  Archives

Akin to Xentrix, Arbitrater specialised in stomping mid-paced grooves – occasionally guilty of being clinical to the point of dry sterility perhaps – but gifted with a solid framework and a darkened, urbanised, heart.

Hardly progressive, Darkened Heart instead focused on continuously hammering home their stripped back riffs and delivering nothing but a heavy thrash experience with plenty of deft chug to keep the average thrasher more than happy.

A decent album from a band who arrived on the scene a little too late to make the impact they deserved.

Incidentally, Arbitrater’s vocals were handled by UK punk legend Tony “Rat” Martin (ex-Discharge, ex-Warwound, The Varukers).

Detritus – If But For One (1993)

Detritus – If But For One (1993, CD) - Discogs

An anomaly for (ironically) more than one reason, Detritus‘ second full length album remains one of the most experimental UK thrash albums in existence and one which found this Christian thrash act branching out in all manner of unexpected directions.

Still resolutely thrash, it’s the far-reaching compositional skill that elevated this album into the category of ‘must-hear’ with subtlety and acoustic dexterity nestling nicely next to honest-to-goodness thrashing (and a thrashed-up sea shanty, for fucks sake!).

Truly a one of a kind album, those thrashers who enjoy a band who go for broke and take thrash into pastures new need to hear this album to fully appreciate the talent and potential on display.

Liked that? Try this: Detritus returned in 2021 with their long-awaited and critically-lauded third album, Myths!

About Chris Jennings (1996 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

4 Comments on 6 Under-Appreciated Classics Of UK Thrash (Pt.3)

  1. Ooops!

    You put Sabbat’s “Mourning Has Broken” in Part 2 as well as Part 3. Great album that it is…..

    Cheers, Chris

  2. Chris Jennings // December 7, 2020 at 10:06 pm // Reply

    Haha! Fixed. Schoolboy error.

  3. Detritus – If But For One is a masterpiece. I’ve loved it since I picked it up in 1994. It’s a blast from beginning to end!!

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