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Worship Metal Album of the Week – Gama Bomb – Sea Savage

What shall we do with the drunken thrashers?!

Norn Iron’s Gama Bomb re-emerge, sopping wet, from the Irish Sea with a new album in their mushy, damp, seaweed-bedraggled grasp; Sea Savage be its name and setting into motion a white squall of frothing, churning metal be its game!

As resolutely bonkers as ever, Sea Savage finds this reliable thrashing crew turning their attention to the tides and shrieking their way through a concept which finds them setting sail on the S.S. Gama Bomb in search of the “Gamabominable” snowman….and going nuts along the way. As you do. What this concept has to do with the likes of “Miami Super Cops” is unfathomable, but it’s a great track, so who gives a fuck?!

Sea Savage is suitably silly then. Which, by now, is to be expected from these jovial miscreants.

However, similar to the UK’s own Reign of Fury – who recently tempered their thrashin’ with a more traditional metal sound (we’re talking Judas Priest / Accept / Metal Church here) – Gama Bomb have also transformed into an arguably more accessible unit. It’s a savvy move as these guys sure know their way around a catchy tune (experience the pure metal magnificence of “Sheer Kahn” if proof is required) and this diversion away from thrash’s choppier waters is a welcome one from a diversity perspective. We all know Gama Bomb can thrash like the best of ‘em (and the title track gloriously sails a sea of thrash madness) but it’s refreshing to hear a change of pace and a change of style to go with the jokes.

Gama Bomb may sound as ludicrously unhinged as ever but there’s always been a certain charm to each and every one of their albums and Sea Savage is no exception. Maturity be damned, we want comedy lyrics and ripping metal with shrieking vocals….and Gama Bomb are damn well going to give it to us!.

What shall we do with these drunken sailors? Ply ‘em with rum and give ‘em enough doubloons to make another album, that’s what! 8/10

Gama Bomb’s Sea Savage is out NOW via Prosthetic Records.


About Chris Jennings (1986 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

2 Comments on Worship Metal Album of the Week – Gama Bomb – Sea Savage

  1. Fuck, that was a hoot! I didn’t even know Gama Bomb had a new album coming out, but I sure as shit know what I’m doing for the next 38 minutes.

  2. Chris Jennings // December 9, 2020 at 4:47 pm // Reply

    That’ll be 38 mins well spent sir!

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