The brainchild of mighty metal mentor Paul Speckmann, death-thrashers Master should need no introduction – at least they shouldn’t if you’ve had any interest [...]
We’d better address the elephant in the room from the outset. Yes, Swarf Damage‘s guitarist Blake is a part of the three-man team of The Worship Metal Podcast. [...]
40 minutes of technical bludgeoning death metal is on offer with this tasty second offering from Viscera, a fast rising collaboration between former members of Heart of a [...]
Hailing from the Bergamo region of Italy, Cancervo have been in existence since 2020 and are heavily influenced by the folklore of their home region, especially the mountain [...]
There’s always a band that creeps under the radar for years. You hear whispers about them, friends mention them in passing, comments reference them on social media. You [...]
January can often seem like a bit of a bleak month – what with the terrible weather and coming after the hustle and bustle of Christmas – so trust those gloomy [...]
The sea scares the shit out of us. It’s too big and too damn watery for our liking and with funeral doom merchants Ahab inspired this time by Jules Verne’s [...]
These gnostic Greek black metallers have been plying their trade since 1999, steadily releasing challenging yet catastrophically effective albums that are adored by those who [...]
They may have been around for 30 years but Australians Deströyer 666, formed by KK Warslut all those years ago as a solo project, continue to blast earholes with the [...]
These legendary Swedes need little to no introduction. Everything from their groundbreaking debut, Epicus Doomicus Metallicus, through the original Messiah Marcolin fronted [...]