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5 THRASH Bands Who Have Made Us Wait Forever For A New Album!

Patience is wearing thin!

Some bands like to make us wait for a new album. Really wait! Here’s 5 old-school thrash bands who’ve made noises about a brand new album for years but are yet to deliver……


Time between albums: 31 years

Arizonan thrashers Atrophy are officially back!

Yes, those thrash happy bastards responsible for the cult late 80’s / early 90’s albums Socialized Hate and Violent By Nature, had been back performing of late but it’s new material fans crave and new material seemed like something we would never get to hear…..until hopefully now!

‘Comeback’ single “R.I.P Tide” was unleashed back on Boxing Day 2020 and fans will be pleased to hear that it was everything you’d want from an Atrophy track. Catchy as fuck, aggressive, and with vocal hooks that’ll drag you under like a vicious undertow, the most important thing is that Atrophy still sound exactly as you remember them….just 30 years later.

A few years ago, Atrophy had this to say: “We are not signed to any label, and have no contracts telling us what we can and can’t do. We have the freedom to write whatever we want, which basically means that you should expect a thrash album”.

Well come on fellas…..let’s ‘ave it then!


Time between albums: 28 years.

We’ve been waiting a long, long. long time for a new album from Swiss technical thrash pioneers Coroner and 2021 could see new material come to light…..or, it might not! Who bloody knows, we have been waiting an awfully long time, after all!!

The band that gave us such all time classics as R.I.P (1987), Punishment for Decadence (1988) and No More Color (1989) haven’t released an album since the industrialised groove of 1993’s Grin and fans have been left chomping at the bit in anticipation of new material. In fact, not so long ago Coroner themselves stated; “What you’ve been waiting to hear! Coroner is going to record a NEW album this year. Keep checking back for updates!”

Well, “this year” referred to 2020 and yet nothing materialised.

So, here’s hoping 2021 is home to less COVID and more Coroner!

Dark Angel

Time between albums: 30 years.

How can you not be cock-a-fuckin’-hoop about the very thought of a new album from Dark Angel; one of thrash metal’s greatest ever bands and the creators of all-time classics Darkness DescendsLeave Scars and Time Does Not Heal.

Bearing in mind that we’ve already waited a bum-numbing 29(!) years for a new album to emerge, a little more patience should be easy to come by and that might come in useful. We’re not promising that you will get to hear new material this year but either way, just the very fact that we will be getting a new Dark Angel album at some point, is reason enough to rejoice!

Just to reiterate that fact, in a February 2019 interview with Agoraphobic News, Gene Hoglan stated that Dark Angel has “5 or 6 songs on the go” and that their new album will be released “by the end of this year or by 2020”.

Well, it’s 2021….and we’re still waiting with bated breath!


Time between albums: 12 years

Recently reunited Bay Area thrashers Defiance not only released a 2 CD set titled Checkmate: The Demo Collection, on November 27th 2020 via Vic Records (containing all of the band’s demos released between 1986 & 1994) but Steev Esquivel and the boys also recently revealed on Facebook that they have been writing their first album since 2009’s The Prophecy, with plans to enter the studio in early 2021 to begin recording it.

Product of Society (1989) and Beyond Recognition (1992) are stone-cold classics so here’s hoping for an album to rival those two seminal bay area albums!


Time between albums: 28 years

We’ll keep this one simple.

We all want a new album from Vio-Lence, the band who gave us one of the finest albums in thrash; the uncompromising Eternal Nightmare.

Frontman Sean Killian wants a new Vio-lence album.

But are we getting one?

The band are officially back together and have also roped in thrash legend and former Overkill guitarist Bobby Gustafson but word on an actual new album is inconclusive. It appears it’s down to the ever-busy Phil Demmel to sit the fuck down and pen the apocalyptic thrash tunes we all know this band still has in them!

About Chris Jennings (1996 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

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