These vanguards of American thrash need no introduction and with 14 studio albums (no, we’re not including No Place For Disgrace 2014) over an incredible 40 year career [...]
UK thrash has always been considered second-rate when compared to the output of Germany, Brazil and the USA. But, as these 5 outstanding UK thrash albums prove, rewind the [...]
These titans of thrash need no introduction and with 16 studio albums over an incredible 38 year career to choose from, we had a hard time whittling ’em down to, what we [...]
80’s thrash may have more than its fair share of classic albums (do we really need more talk of Metallica‘s Master Of Puppets, Slayer‘s Reign In Blood, [...]
80s thrash may have more than its fair share of classic albums (do we really need more talk of Metallica‘s Master Of Puppets, Slayer‘s Reign In Blood, [...]
Overkill are thrash metal legends. But with such a huge back catalogue to devour (20 full length studio albums and counting), where the hell do you start? [...]
In 2023, cult thrashers Aftermath sound angrier than ever and if you thought they sounded pissed off on 2019s ‘comeback’ album There Is Something Wrong, then you [...]
Considering the UK invented heavy metal, it’s always frustrating to reflect on how ‘seemingly’ unsuccessful we were at thrash metal! Predominantly an American [...]
A debut that’s been a long, long time comin’, Trastorned‘s Into The Void shakes and shudders like a madman unleashed and is yet another prime example of why [...]
Megadeth‘s third album, So Far, So Good… So What! turns 35 years old today and it remains a sure-fire classic of 80s thrash. Of course, being sandwiched in [...]