Trastorned – Into The Void – Album Review
Head first!

A debut that’s been a long, long time comin’, Trastorned‘s Into The Void shakes and shudders like a madman unleashed and is yet another prime example of why the Chilean thrash scene is currently so adored.
This sophisticated shred-fest riffs for days and often recalls the balls to the wall modus operandi of legendary acts such as Vio-Lence and Exodus, while also doffing its cap to the more technically audacious work of Forbidden and Coroner in the early 90s. We’re obviously in old-school thrash territory – that much is clear – but Trastorned are relative veterans themselves, despite Into The Void being their debut album. Having formed back in 2009, the years spent honing their craft is clear to hear with the band sounding comfortable in their own skin and Into The Void’s songs sounding lived in and, most importantly, ‘loved’ to the point of precise and pristine perfection.
“Metal Violence” is our highlight and has a groove that’ll get all your wiggly bits wiggling before hurtling headfirst into a series of stabbing riffs and, unsurprisingly, prime metal violence. And so it continues. Unnecessary interlude “Dreadful Fate” aside, this shit rips. “Insanity” is tighter than those 10-year-old jeans that used to fit before middle-age set in and by the time the hyper-thrash of closer “Reborn Through Hate” scythes you in two, you’ll be more than just merely ‘hoping’ the band don’t take the best part of 15 bastard years to release a follow-up!
At just under 30 mins, Into The Void is relentlessly and remorsefully impressive and, despite it being only January, could very well end up on our countdown of the best thrash of 2023 come the end of the year. It’s that good. 8/10

Trastorned‘s Into The Void is released on January 27th, 2023 via Dying Victims Productions
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