Heavy. Heavier. Heaviest. The age old argument of which metal albums – in this case THRASH – were the heaviest rumbles on. We’ve weighed in with 5 of the heaviest [...]
Iconic thrash that turned an eye-watering 35(!) years of age in 2023….are you feeling old yet??!! Megadeth – So Far, So Good… So What! Renowned for being [...]
Happy 35th birthday you beautiful bastards….. Anacrusis – Suffering Hour [USA] Genre: Progressive Thrash The only album in Anacrusis‘ formidable back [...]
Forget The Big 4 and their million selling behemoths, these 25 cult American thrash albums were equally as accomplished, equally as ferocious and equally as groundbreaking [...]
These are the 10 thrash metal debuts that kicked all our asses back in the 1980’s….. 10. Destruction – Infernal Overkill (1985) [Germany] These Germanic, [...]
Heavy. Heavier. Heaviest. The age old argument of which metal albums – in this case THRASH – were the heaviest rumbles on. We’ve weighed in with our 15 of [...]
Forget The Big 4 and their million selling behemoths, these 25 cult American thrash albums were equally as accomplished, equally as ferocious and equally as groundbreaking [...]
Last year, Vio-Lence released a digital single – “California Uber Alles” (a cover version of the Dead Kennedys classic!) – via Metal Blade Records. [...]
Some bands like to make us wait for a new album. Really wait! Here’s 5 old-school thrash bands who’ve made noises about a brand new album for years but are yet to [...]
Sure, The Big 4 released some of the greatest thrash metal albums ever recorded but what of those American thrash albums that fell largely by the wayside, those albums [...]