Burke And Hare – Burke And Hare – EP Review
They've murder on their minds.....

This debut EP from Hertfordshire based blackened sludge/stoner two piece, Burke and Hare revels in fuzz-drenched goodness from the get-go; unleashing their own brand of horror via sludgy doom meets punked-up, death ‘n’ roll paeans to charred filth and urban squalor.
Utilising black metal screams and death metal growls, these 3 tracks revel in the kind of riffing served up by Orange Goblin and Sleep while upping the pace and simultaneously diving deeper into the abyss. Pure evil awaits the brave and there’s a notable black metal band lurking behind the reverb, waiting in the depths to ferociously scar the soul….check out the final few seconds of “Rhino Ket” for a cold, shrill blast of necro-mayhem!
Notable for it’s use of pacy aggressive riffs, Burke And Hare offers a primal experience, the kind that relinquishes finesse for cold-hearted bludgeoning and the result is a damn good workout for those overworked neck muscles.
Burke And Hare; 3 tracks, all good. A fine start. 7/10
Available now on bandcamp – name your price!
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