Lodge that tongue firmly in your cheek and prepare for Friends Of Hell to fill your day with the kind of old-school doom metal that made the 80’s so damn enjoyable! [...]
These certifiable nutcases have had the gall to release a debut album that clocks in at a bum-numbing 96 minutes. Yes, you read that right, 96 fuckin’ minutes. And just [...]
71Ton Man? That’s a big fella. That’s some insurmountable heft to drag around! With a name like that you’d expect the music to match in terms of gargantuan ferocity [...]
Hailing from the Bergamo region of Italy, Cancervo have been in existence since 2020 and are heavily influenced by the folklore of their home region, especially the mountain [...]
Art that is eventually lauded as ‘classic’ often meets with hostility and, at first, UK doom legends Cathedral were no exception to this rule! By following up their [...]
The sea scares the shit out of us. It’s too big and too damn watery for our liking and with funeral doom merchants Ahab inspired this time by Jules Verne’s [...]
Having released their previous album Excalibur back in the distant pre-covid times of 2018, UK trad doom metallers Iron Void have finally returned with their fourth album, [...]
Happy 35th birthday you beautiful bastards….. Anacrusis – Suffering Hour [USA] Genre: Progressive Thrash The only album in Anacrusis‘ formidable back [...]