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The 10 Thrash Metal Albums You NEEDED To Hear in 2021 (January-March)

Lovely, lovely thrash....

The first quarter of 2021 is behind us, which means it’s high time we rounded up some of the finer releases of January to March for your dutiful delectation…..

Here are the 10 THRASH METAL albums – presented in no particular order – released between January 1st and March 31st 2021 that we found the most satisfying!

Blast em!

Bloodkill – Throne Of Control [India]

Bloodkill – Throne Of Control (2021, File) - Discogs

Released: Independently on January 19th, 2021

India’s Bloodkill certainly love their thrash – maybe a little too much, as they appear to pull from every era, every sub-genre and every geographical location possible!

Relatively mid-tempo and semi-melodic one minute (“Blindead Circus”), nicking riffs from Nuclear Assault the next (“False Face”), Bloodkill then up the growl and scream factor on “3B” before “Unite and Conquer” throws in some NWOBHM bounce into the mix for added flavour. “Horrorscope” (not an Overkill cover, surprisingly) then brings out the ol’ acoustic intro as frontman Anirudh Gollapudi channels Kreator‘s Mille Petroza in the vocal department.

It’s all rather disorienting and you can’t help but wish Bloodkill would settle on a distinct sound, rather than hopping around the fuckin’ place with more vigour than Dr Who on a major coke binge.

However, somehow, it works! Throne Of Control is endlessly listenable and immensely enjoyable despite lacking in identity. No complaints here. 7/10

Violblast – Lazarus Abandoned [Spain]

VIOBLAST anuncia disco para 2021 y enseña detalles de su portada

Released: Independently on February 27th, 2021

Spanish thrashers Violblast blasted back with Lazarus Abandoned, their blistering follow-up to 2019’s Theater Of Despair…..and it was clear that they’re as rabid as ever! 

Home to the kind of wall-of-sound thrash that threatened to engulf the senses, Lazarus Abandoned was as feral as they come, ably combining a modern metal sound with old-school thrash influences. 

A slightly lacklustre production lessened its impact but fundamentally, Violblast went for the throat; slashing and tearing until nothing but unrecognisable viscera remains. Lovely. 7/10

Enforced – Kill Grid [United States]

ENFORCED | Kill grid - Nuclear Blast

Released: March 12th, 2021 via Century Media Records

Fuck-ing-hell. This is the shit, right here.

Enforced‘s Kill Grid is the kind of full-throttle, take no prisoners crossover thrash that has you picking a fight with your own living room within seconds of hearing searing opener, “The Doctrine”.

As furious as your Mum when she discovered how many spunk-filled socks were under your bed (sorry Mum), Kill Grid is unashamedly aggressive, fuelled by Knox Colby’s hardcore bark and the kind of frenzied riffing that propelled Slayer to god-like status.

All of us left reeling after the tragic passing of Power Trip‘s Riley Gale should take solace in the fact that Enforced will pick up exactly where Power Trip left off!

Crossover thrash has its new saviours! 9/10

Rapture – Malevolent Demise Incarnation [Greece]

Rapture – Malevolent Demise Incarnation (Review) – Wonderbox Metal

Released: March 26th, 2021 via F.D.A Records

As heavy on the death metal as they are on the thrash, Greece’s Rapture impressed the living shit out of us with 2018’s Paroxysm Of Hatred and Malevolent Demise Incarnation (random metal 3-word generator in full-effect) continues down the same, high-quality path!

Still sounding like an early 90’s death/thrash act remains in their favour as their Protector meets Demolition Hammer racket is convincing, abrasive and full of surprises.

Unafraid to throw technical audacity and progressive leanings into their broiling pot of influences ups the interest and the heat tenfold. And, with the likes of “Herald Of Defiance” running the gamut of thrash, death, tech and prog, there really is nothing more than to say than this is a killer album, from first track to last! 8/10

About Chris Jennings (1996 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

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