The 10 Greatest Thrash Albums Of 2017! outstanding year for THRASH!
3. Sepultura – Machine Messiah
Was this really a Sepultura album worth caring about?
Machine Messiah was the best Sepultura album since Dante XII and solidified the Seps position as elder statesman of thrash, fully capable of still delivering the goods after all these years!
With Andreas Kisser still delivering ball-crushing riffs – just check out that opening of “Phantom Self” and the quick-fire rapidity of the hardcore punk-esque “I Am The Enemy” – the man’s fire and passion remains undiminished….and that’s a description that aptly suits the entire band.
Fully unshackled from their tumultous past, there were tracks on Machine Messiah which both stunned and surprised with their originality as Sepultura appeared to be born again. While much of Machine Messiah was progressive – and we expect many to bemoan its inclusion in a ‘best of thrash’ list – one spin of the ultra thrashy and decidedly vicious “Silent Violence” and “Vandals Nest” should counteract any fear that the ‘Seps’ had abandoned their roots (sic) entirely.
Sepultura are 30 years into a career that has seen two distinct paths forged but their relevance remains undiminished and Machine Messiah should be considered their bravest record yet. In fact, anyone expecting a ‘playing it safe’ retread of past glories were blown away by the sheer diversity displayed here.
Great place for Sepultura. Annihilator’s ‘For The Demented’ also deserves a mention.
Cheers! \m/
Wow, what a weak list… Only 3 of that list deserve to be part of a top 10.
Cheers for that! Incidentally, which 3 deserved to be in a Top 10 and what alternatives do you offer?
I hope he included Nightmare Logic in that 3. That’s a beast of an album.
I hope so too!!! \m/