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The 10 Greatest Thrash Albums Of 2017!

2017......an outstanding year for THRASH!

8. Warbringer – Woe To The Vanquished

These L.A. dudes are fast evolving into a band of thrashers to be reckoned with and as the thrash revival continues to pick up pace, Warbringer remain leaders of the pack!

Woe To The Vanquished, Warbringer’s fifth full-length effort, arrived on March 31st via Napalm Records and immediately trounced the competition with its classic brand of ferocious fuckin’ frash! Often favouring a more progressive, mid-tempo chug, Warbringer’s untempered ferocity remained but it had been finessed, streamlined even, into an attack of military grade precision.

Not that they’d gone soft on us of course! This release still overflowed with full-on ragers as Warbringer’s intense thrash bombarded us from the get-go as Woe To The Vanquished proved itself to be one of 2017’s most consistent releases.

Brace yourselves for shellfire…..Warbringer were dropping devastating thrash bombs!!!

About Chris Jennings (1996 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

6 Comments on The 10 Greatest Thrash Albums Of 2017!

  1. Great place for Sepultura. Annihilator’s ‘For The Demented’ also deserves a mention.

  2. Wow, what a weak list… Only 3 of that list deserve to be part of a top 10.

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