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The 10 Greatest Technical Death Metal Albums Of 2017!

Tech death reached new heights in 2017!

Technical death metal in 2017 yielded some amazing albums and in order not to lump them in with our standard ‘death metal’ best of, it felt right to give the sub-genre a full list of its own!

So, here it is……Worship Metal’s 10 greatest tech death albums of 2017:

10. Virulent Depravity – Fruit Of The Poisoned Tree

The brainchild of Colin Butler (and what a big fuckin’ noggin this man must possess to conjure this beast!), it’s borderline unfathomable that one human being constructed noise of this calibre.

Fully taking the reins, Colin Butler handled all vocals, played guitar and bass and probably made the tea’s and coffee but he wan’t alone in creating this tech death masterpiece. Also roped in to deliver outstanding performances were Malcolm Pugh (Inferi, A Loathing Requiem, and ex-Entheos) – who handled rhythm guitar and a number of mind-boggling solos – and Svart Crown drummer Kevin Paradis; each adding yet another layer to Virulent Depravity‘s sonic maelstrom.

Not discounting a plethora of guest spots, the calibre of musicians involved was clear to hear as Virulent Depravity threw down the gauntlet at the first time of asking.

This was one hell of a 2017 tech death debut!

9. Rings Of Saturn – Ultu Ulla

Here’s where Rings Of Saturn finally delivered the album long thought possible. Less deathhore, more insane tech-core, Rings Of Saturn ditched much (not all!) of the bullshit on Ultu Ulla and focused on delivering a set of other-worldly tracks that defied expectation and description!

But, we’ll try nonetheless. “The Relic” sounded like a tech-death sea shanty played by Pac-Man(!) while the circus apparently came to town on “Harvest”. If that doesn’t help to sum up the unique nature of this most divisive band, then nothing will.

Absolute fucking madness.

8. Inanimate Existence – Underneath A Melting Sky

Prog metal/tech death, you name it and Inanimate Existence threw it into the mix on their 4th full length, Underneath A Melting Sky!

In turns, both brutal and yet mesmerisingly melodic, this full on proggy experience and masterclass in story-telling and world-building, shook the foundations of tech death with its sheer scope and ambition.

Challenging, bewildering and technically audacious, Underneath A Melting Sky may not appease those tech death fans who require a little less prog and a little more bludgeoning, but those who delve into this concept quagmire will experience an album that stood head and shoulders over much of the tech death pack!

About Chris Jennings (1986 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

4 Comments on The 10 Greatest Technical Death Metal Albums Of 2017!

  1. Grindmasterflesh // December 15, 2017 at 8:04 pm // Reply

    This list is living proof that the genre of tech death is dead and it has been dead for a while.

  2. Artificial brain lose this game

  3. Vishnu Udayan // December 20, 2017 at 10:04 am // Reply

    what about cytotoxin Gammageddon album?

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