5 Established Bands/Artists Who Embraced Nu-Metal!
If it ain't broke.....don't nu-metal it!

A genre is doing something right (or something wrong depending on how you look at it) when the established acts of the day pick up on the change in trends and come along for the ride. What are we referring to? Nu-metal, that’s what!
Love it or hate it, this much maligned genre was so big it even prompted classic bands/established artists to have a stab at it and with Machine Head’s Catharsis (alongside the likes of Suicide Silence, Of Mice And Men, Keychain, Motograter, Riksha and more) currently rewinding the clock back to the 90’s and early 00’s, it looks like nu-metal may suck in another glut of bands into its baggy-panted fold in the near future!
But for now, we’ll settle on reminding you all of these surprising u-turns into nu-metal’s heavily populated cul-de-sac of cack…..
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