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12 Of The Funniest Songs In Metal!

Amusing? Frickin' hilarious more like!

Source // hithefloor.com

Even the Heavy Metal novice knows that the Devils Music loves to wallow in serious subject matter; War, Hate, Gang Violence, Murder, Mutilation, Satan, Religion (in all its guises), the controversial list goes on and on and most of the time, this works! After all, serious music requires serious subject matter and intelligent hard-hitting lyrics generally go hand in hand with ferocious riffs, pummelling drums, powerful vocals, complex rhythms and music that shows no mercy.

We metallers do love a laugh though and sometimes a well deserved break from the relentless aural battery is required. So, we turn to those artists who have forged a career out of lampooning the nefarious nature of Metal and those bands who occasionally digress into humorous asides for our hit of upbeat, lyrically playful and downright sarcastic Metal fix.

Here’s 12 of the most chucklesome songs (in no particular order) we could find, if we’ve forgotten your favourite, just pop it in the comments below and we’ll all have a little giggle about it.

Sodom – Aber Bitte Mit Sahne

Source // cdn.discogs.com

Source // cdn.discogs.com

Taken from the EP Aber Bitte Mit Sahne (1993)

Taken from the EP of the same name, “Aber Bitte Mit Sahne” is a novelty track bobbing around nonchalantly in a sea of Blackened Thrash Metal.

“Aber Bitte Mit Sahne” roughly translates as “But Please With Cream” and whether we’re talking Coffee or Apple Pie it seems apparent that the addition of cream is very much desired. Sodom, better known for their buzzsaw Thrashing than boogie infused Euro-Pop crooning, do the song justice; their up tempo, children’s birthday-party vibe proving fiendishly addictable and endlessly amusing. If the idea of some seriously entertaining Pop-Thrash, aided by Mr Tom Angelripper’s obligatory guttural bark, tickles your tickly bits, then “Aber Bitte Mit Sahne” is the party track for you. 

Now, adopt gruff voice and repeat after us….”uh huh huh, oh yeah”.

Now, where did we put that cream?

For anyone interested, here’s the kick-ass original by Udo Jürgens. Incidentally, this man is our new favourite piano-playing lothario.

Brujeria – Don Quixote Marijuana

Source // cdn.discogs.com

Source // cdn.discogs.com

Taken from the EP Spanglish 101 (1999)

Renowned for using real-life pictures of severed heads on their album artwork and playing scary as sh*t Mexican Death Metal focused on sex, satan and the drug cartel’s penchant for kidnapping, mutilation and murder, Brujeria’s “Don Quixote Marijuana” was a surprising left turn from a band who normally sounded like this!

Like a nightmarish fusion of Euro-Pop and Death Metal, “Don Quixote Marijuana” is the most fun you’ll ever have while trying to score some “chronic weed”. Completely bat-sh*t crazy and utterly addictive, “Don Quixote Marijuana” may confuse, it may delight, it may result in involuntary disco moves (bustin’ out the ‘robot’ fits nicely, we’ve tried it) and it will refuse to leave your head for days. A bit like the chronic weed then!

About Chris Jennings (1986 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

9 Comments on 12 Of The Funniest Songs In Metal!

  1. You forgot psychostick! dogs like socks or blue screen

  2. AC’s Picnic Of Love is from the album Picnic Of Love, not It Just Gets Worse… and the whole album is hilarious!

    • Chris Jennings // June 4, 2015 at 3:00 pm // Reply

      Nice spot Ben! We were originally going to go with a choice title from ‘It Just Gets Worse’ and forgot to change it when we opted for ‘Picnic Of Love’ instead…..and you’re right, the whole of ‘Picnic Of Love’ is frickin’ hilarious! \m/

  3. I really really love Hello kitty from woods of trees. They are so good!!!!

  4. May I respectfully draw your attention to Jaldaboath’s “Bash The Bishop”, “Roland The Farter” and “Dex The Whispering Dwarf”? While I’m here, there’s also Conquest Of Steel’s “Fisting In The Name Of Metal”.

  5. Chris Jennings // June 5, 2015 at 1:41 pm // Reply

    You may Carl, and I thank you for it.

  6. Spazztic Blurr came to mind when I read the title of the article. Maybe their song “Mexacalli,” all about eating fast food? Then the Macabre Minstrels covering “Found a Peanut”…and of course Gwar for a little “Slaughterama”!

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