Two Skreamer single reviews in a week! Well, they have our attention and “This Is War” is equal to, if not better than, “Pig Feed“. Beginning like the [...]
Formed in 2002, Brazilian band Lothlöryen are an interesting inter-breeding of Folk, Prog and Thrash Metal; a sort of Jethro Tull meets Metallica meets Bellowhead alongside [...]
London’s Skreamer are carving a swathe through the UK Metal Underground and their latest single “Pig Feed” is garnering major press attention….and for [...]
Another day, another UK Southern-Metal championing band of leather-lunged, Hard-Rockin’, whiskey-drinkin’ mutherf*ckers attempting to emulate their transatlantic [...]
A follow-up to 2004’s well received full-length debut The Coven, Finland’s Funerary Bell have dialled down the nihilistic necroticism in favour of further [...]
Motörhead are back and although Aftershock felt like it only came out last week, Lemmy, Phil Campbell and Mikkey Dee breathlessly return to level entire cities with yet [...]
An old-school vibe prevails throughout Canadian Death Metallers Fragile Existence’s second album; incendiary leads and all manner of classic Heavy Metal [...]
Firmly entrenched in Progressive Black Metal, One With Morbidity, The Opus Misanthropy‘s self-titled opening salvo amps up the foreboding atmospherics from the get-go; [...]
Bulgarian band Pantommind were formed in 1993 (under the name of Lavender Haze) and followed a decidedly rocky road – with band members changing and success eluding [...]
As with most Melodic Death Metal, the Gothenburg scene is an obvious touchstone and while Myth Of A Life may be furrowing paths well trodden the groove, commitment and [...]