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Worship Metal Album Of The Week – Doomsday Outlaw – Black River

For Fans Of Black Label Society, Lynyrd Skynyrd & Black Stone Cherry


Another day, another UK Southern-Metal championing band of leather-lunged, Hard-Rockin’, whiskey-drinkin’ mutherf*ckers attempting to emulate their transatlantic cousins. Luckily for us, Doomsday Outlaw not only do a mighty fine impression of Clutch et all, they have also added a hefty dose of exceptional songwriting nous to the brew and the result should be enough to have you happily staggering and slurring from the first sip.

Overflowing with songs that’ll have you envisaging matted-haired ‘mountain men’ – a song title incidentally – blindly swigging from moonshine brewed in their own piss, big pendulous balls swinging between their tree-trunk legs, living in a wood cabin built with their own hairy hands and decorated with the dead skins of animals they’ve eaten raw….in Derbyshire. Or, to be slightly less vulgar and a little more realistic, just imagine the huskiest, dirtiest, riff-filled explosion of a Black Label Society/Lynyrd Skynyrd love-fest! That should give you some indication of the kinda bluesy Rock ‘N’ Roll Doomsday Outlaw are pedalling.

Highlights? There are plenty. “Judegment Day”, “Back On Track” and “Blind Eye” are Worship Metal favourites but the whole thing rumbles through your guts like all good Southern-Metal should. In 2015, albums like this are ten to a penny; Black River just happens to be that particularly shiny penny that immediately captures your attention and stands out from the rest. 8/10 

About Chris Jennings (1997 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

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