Skreamer – This Is War – Single Review
This is the soundtrack to war!

Two Skreamer single reviews in a week! Well, they have our attention and “This Is War” is equal to, if not better than, “Pig Feed“.
Beginning like the Strapping Young Lad track Devin Townsend failed to write before Skreamer’s brutal Nu-Metal-isms again come to the fore, these London born boys knack for writing mosh-pit anthems is fast becoming apparent.
With ball-crushing riffs and a satisfyingly slappy bass sound that Korn would kill for nowadays, this call to arms is completed by some neck-snapping half rapped/half screamed rhetoric designed to convert Skreamer’s rapidly growing congregation to their way of thinking.
These lads are on a roll, hitch a ride, they’re going places 8/10
P.S. The click to listen link in the above image won’t work. Sorry. Go to Skreamer’s Facebook page for the actual link….you’ll be glad you did \m/
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