Worship Metal Album Of The Week – Cloak – To Venomous Depths
An impressive release that seductively beckons you down to Cloak's venomous depths!

There’s an almost romantic classicism to the debut album from Cloak, a neo-classical, occult-obsessed first full-length that takes the origins of death metal and the icy ambiguity of melodic black metal and fashions it to traditional metal tropes, resulting in an impressive release that seductively beckons you down to Cloak’s venomous depths!
Channeling a sound so rooted in Scandinavia you’d be forgiven for thinking these lads live and breathe Swedish air…..and they do, just not geographically speaking!
Instead, Cloak hail from Atlanta, Georgia and while they emulate their heroes lavishly – prime influences surely include Tribulation and Dissection – they’ve forged their own left hand path, one that delivers tremelo-riffing, death growls, prog metal-esque song length, an often ambient and unnerving atmosphere and a shit ton of chugging, Deep Purple-inspired, 70’s drenched riffs. Frankly, you’ve heard this all before, but you’ll still marvel at Cloak’s collection of blackened metal hymns!
While the template is obvious, Cloak’s execution remains damn near irresistible and while there will be naysayers who scream plagiarism from the rafters, those same non-believers may find themselves hanging from them when Cloak break big…..and this is a band that has the capability of making a massive impact on the ever burgeoning occult metal scene.
When songs are this big, this expansive and this intransigent (you get the impression Cloak couldn’t give a fuck if you ‘like’ them or not, they’re simply writing the music they live and die for) you can’t help but be swept along for the ride.
Rooted in 70’s heavy metal, Cloak’s sound is ‘classic’ and yet delivered with extreme metal aplomb and those of us who fell in love with Tribulation’s Children Of The Night, will also seek solace in the sounds of To Venomous Depths. One hell of an impressive debut! 8/10
To Venomous Depths was released on Nov 10th, 2017 via SEASON OF MIST
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