Overkill / Destruction / Flotsam and Jetsam – SWG 3 Glasgow – Sunday 24th March, 2019
Three legendary bands....one special night!

It was with great anticipation that we walked towards the SWG3 in Glasgow, relishing the oncoming triple thrash treat from 3 big hitters of the 1980’s!
With barely time to purchase a beer, Flotsam And Jetsam [9] hit the stage. Opening with “Prisoner Of Time” from the latest album, The End Of Chaos, it’s a rip roaring intro. The sound is ace, well balanced, almost CD quality. The Flots are loving this, too. Eric AK is crooning his heart out and the band are bopping about the stage like teenagers; even after all these years, Eric still sounds amazing live. Next up, 3 barnstorming tracks, with newer cut “Iron Maiden” nestled nicely between “Desecrator” and “Hammerhead”, both taken from thrash classic, Doomsday For The Deceiver. Another new track, “Demolition Man” goes down well before it’s back to the older stuff, with “Suffer The Masses” ageing particularly well and the Flots then finish with that all out stormer, “No Place For Disgrace”. Epic. With that, it’s over far too quickly!
Quick stage turnaround and Destruction [8] are on. They work so much better as a 4 piece. They’re much tighter and the sound is a bit fuller, more complete. Opening with 2 classics – “Curse The Gods” and “Release From Agony” – it’s clear that Schmier’s falsetto is as sharp as ever. Or is it a screech? Still sounds great but it seems a bit odd coming out of such a big lad! Next up is new(ish) track “Nailed To The Cross” followed by “Mad Butcher”. There’s a little banter with the crowd about how we’re the best, etc, etc…..it’s the last night of the UK tour, though, so we’ll believe you this time, Schmier! “Dethroned” is next, followed by a deluge of thrash classics in the shape of “Life Without Sense”, “Total Desaster”, “The Butcher Strikes Back”, “Thrash Till Death” and the mighty “Bestial Invasion”. All in all, a good show and well worthy of this lineup.
Last quick turnaround – although it isn’t quick enough! – as the crowd are more than ready for Overkill [9], frothing at the mouths and chanting constantly. Drummer Jason and DD Verni hit the stage first, followed quickly by the two guitar chaps and the crowd erupt. Quick intro and BOOM!, Bobby bounds on to the stage as new track “Last Man Standing” pummels us senseless. This is a great start and a portent of things to come. It’s a bloody good opener, too, for album and gig. It’s a high energy, raucous, punky, thrashy tome and, immediately, the crowd get going. Next up is “Electric Rattlesnake” and then the classic “Hello From The Gutter”; delivering proper nostalgia!
“Elimination”, “Deny The Cross” and “Distortion” follow as big track after big track hits like a freight train and it makes us wonder, after 19 albums, how does one choose a setlist out of that lot?! With great difficulty, we would presume as you’re guarenteed to miss out someone’s favourite track, no matter is chosen! Anyway, after a short break, we’re treated to “Necroshine”, “Under One”, “Bastard Nation” and “Mean Green Killing Machine”. Up to now, it’s been amazing, simple as that. Plenty of classics and a smattering of new tracks played by a band who are clearly having an absolute blast. Then, there’s Bobby ‘Blitz’ Ellsworth, who, for a man of his advancing years and previous health issues, has been jumping about the stage and screaming his heart out for about an hour. Legend.
We’re not done yet, though. Next up are two mahoosive tracks – “Feel The Fire” and “Rotten To The Core”. Just over an hour of mayhem and Bobby says it’s time to end….but we all know it isn’t. After a couple of minutes, the band bounce back on stage and fire up “Ironbound”. Top notch. Then that cool bass intro starts up and “Fuck You” is in full swing (remember that EP cover?!). Another new one with “Welcome To The Garden State” which is a really thrashy, punky stomp fest and finish off with a little “Fuck You” reprise. Now we’re done.
It’s been a few years since we last saw Overkill. A couple of years since we last saw Flotsam and Jetsam. It’s been about 30(!) years since we last saw Destruction. It’s been months since we bought our ticket for this. Was it worth the wait?
You’d better fucking believe it was!
Three legendary bands back on the circuit and still at the top of their game, what’s not to love! ???
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