Petrolhead, metalhead, dunderhead. Lucky enough to have experienced Thrash Metal from the beginning. Still nostalgic for the 1980's. Having a love affair with Stout, although I am open to other beers. Old enough to know better.
Sweden’s Methane (not the country’s entire stinky gas quota fortunately) released their second full length album on 27th January, 2023 with the rather catchy – [...]
If you’re not overly familiar with Party Cannon‘s past work, you’ll at least have seen their jaunty, colourful, Toys ‘R’ Us style logo jumping out at you among [...]
The Isle Of Man. A kingdom within a kingdom. Home to tail-less cats and possibly (definitely) the greatest motorcycle race on the planet. It’s also home to a rather [...]
Thūn are a band that you may not be aware of before now….so, who are they? Well, according to the promotional bumph, they are an international metal collective [...]
Wratheon is a new solo project emanating from the US of A. Can we be more specific than that? No, we bloody well can’t. And for good reason too! You see, the artist has [...]
Feculent hail from Brisbane, Australia and are somewhat of an Australian death metal supergroup, with the four members also plying their trade in Snorlax, Resin Tomb, [...]
Lych Milk is a companion piece to Zebadiah Crowe‘s The Cloven Hand EP (2020) and while The Cloven Hand featured 3 Zebadiah Crowe tracks remixed by Seething Akira and [...]
Antre hail from the UK cultural black metal hub(!) of Nottingham and, up to now, have had but one full length album (2019’s debut Void) and a couple of well received EPs to [...]
Swedish black metal duo Reaper released their demo EP in 2019 – the lovingly titled Ravenous Storm Of Piss – and Duca The Impaler (drums, bass, vocals) and [...]
Vienna – it conjures up certain images. Romantic walks through the city centre with a loved one, marvelling at the imposing buildings and beautiful architecture. [...]