Holycide – Annihilate…Then Ask! – Album Review
Holycide? Holy fuck more like! These Spanish thrashers have uncaged a beast with Annihilate…Then Ask!, their debut full-length album which was released on February 1st 2017.
Spain has been bringing the noise for a few years now, with the likes of Exodia, Crisx, Soldier, and the more well known Angelus Apatrida, providing plenty of fresh frash-frills for fans worldwide. Now it’s Holycide’s turn to rip and tear their way through the masses and with a sound that’s both clean yet still gritty, this collection of searing riffs and heavily accented vocals hits with maximum force.
Like a Spanish version of cult Californian thrashers Evildead crossed with death metal’s earliest releases, Holycide’s Annihilate…Then Ask! reeks of late 80’s authenticity and the varied pace and gang-vocals of “Human’s Last Dawn” and Lemmy tribute “Motorhead” provide plenty of neck-snapping moments for thrash fiends.
Dave Rotten’s vocals (yep, him from Madrid death metal monsters Avulsed) are a gargled triumph, sounding more like dear ol’ Chuck Schuldiner than your typical thrash fare and drawing comparisons to the borderline death/thrash found on Scream Bloody Gore and Leprosy than anything else. It works too as there’s nothing like a bit of nostalgia for the days of yore to get the blood pumping and the head-a-banging!
A vicious little bastard. 7/10
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