Defenestration – Gutter Perdition – EP Review
Take a dive into the gutter!!!

Gutter Perdition is the debut EP from French death metal act Defenestration (definitely not the UK nu metal band from the late 90’s!), and these ferocious fuckers have delivered a damn fine slab of early 90’s death/thrash at the first sign of asking!
Released via XENOKORP’s new Militia Series, these guys may be new on the block but their inspirations can be traced back decades.
Taking their cues from early Cannibal Corpse and Monstrosity, Gutter Perdition goes for the throat with 5 rapid-fire bursts of blast-beat addled, sandpaper-vocalled, groove-drenched odes to good old fashioned death metal. It ain’t big, it ain’t particularly clever but Gutter Perdition does strike straight at the heart of what made death metal so damn appealing as the 1990’s dawned, and a new level of extremity was welcomed with open arms.
This is vintage carnage and these French bruisers will adhere themselves to anyone still in thrall with the sounds of early death metal.
Gutter Perdition is certainly worth wallowing in the gutter for! 7/10
This brand new series of XENOKORP releases is all about helping new artists kickstart their carreers with giving them the chance to release a debut single / EP on a now well-known and established Death Metal label and giving fans the opportunity of discovering new artists at a very affordable price through a limited edition collector item.
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