Frost Giant – The Harlot Star – Album Review
An 11 track salute to the glory of battle!

Armed and ready to crush their foes with an icy hammer, Pennsylvanian nutcase’s Frost Giant are here with their debut full length album, The Harlot Star. Brace yourselves, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride!
Pretty useless intro aside – “The Harlot Star” is a load of plinky-plonky, ethereal nonsense followed by some painful, feedback reverb that achieves nothing – Frost Giant hit the ground at a ferocious pace on the raucous, blast-beat propelled, “Forgive Me Not”. It’s a rambunctious, throw everything at it affair; replete with growls, almost operatic female backing vocals, extreme metal drumming, kick-ass solos and an overall feel of pirate metal meets melodic death metal meets folk metal.
Mad? As a box of frogs mate! And, it gets madder!
“Prisoner Of The Past” opens with what sounds like a fucking kazoo (there’s nowhere near enough kazoo in metal if you ask us!) and is the kind of rabble-rousing, mead-hall hammering paean to marauding travellers from the past.
Which pretty much sums up the entirety of The Harlot Star.
Taking turbulent seas and man’s turbulent history, the whitewash squall of battle is the primer here and while the war-cries of plunder are occasionally tempered by the delicate acoustics of “Ashes Among The Earth” and “Apostasis”, for the main, The Harlot Sea is a bonkers brawl; rooted in myths and legends and oblivious to trends.
Making sense of much of The Harlot Star is an impossible task….so you may as well simply enjoy the journey, you’ll have no idea where it’ll take you! 7/10
Transcending Records will release The Harlot Star on January 19.
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