Atrophy – R.I.P Tide – Single Review
It carries us away!!!!

Arizonan thrashers Atrophy are officially back! Yes, those thrash happy bastards responsible for the cult late 80’s / early 90’s albums Socialized Hate and Violent By Nature, have been back performing of late but it’s new material fans crave and new material seemed like something we would never get to hear…..until now!
“R.I.P Tide” was unleashed on Boxing Day and fans will be pleased to hear that this is everything you’d want from an Atrophy comeback track. It’s catchy as fuck, it’s aggressive, it’s vocal hooks will drag you under like a vicious undertow and, first and foremost, it sounds like Atrophy…..just 30 years later!
As bouncy, catchy and mosh-pit friendly as anything found on Socialized Hate and Violent By Nature,“R.I.P Tide” is a firm indication that Atrophy’s new album will be welcomed with open arms by true thrash fans the world over! 8/10
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