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The 5 Metal Albums You Needed To Hear Last Week (15th January – 21st January 2021)

Another week gone, another batch of fine releases from across metal’s vast spectrum to enjoy!

Here’s the 5 metal albums you needed to hear last week (15th January – 21st January 2021)….

Black Sky Giant – Planet Terror

Where: Argentina

Genre: Stoner Rock / Stoner Metal / Desert Rock

Released: 16th January 2021


It’s not often we dig instrumental bands but we’re certainly grooving to Black Sky Giant’s latest desert rock opus, Planet Terror.

A blissed out trip through time and space, Planet Terror is the antithesis of its title as it takes you on a journey of wordless wonderment filled with warm fuzz and a cool breeze. Best absorbed in solitary confinement, Black Sky Giant specialise in jams to soothe the soul…..so, sit back, chill out and enjoy the ride man! 8/10


Colosso – Hateworlds

Where: Portugal

Genre: Progressive Death Metal / Death Metal / Groove Metal

Released: January 15th 2021 via Gruesome Records

Home to Meshuggah-esque riffs, elements of industrial metal, oodles of groove and the kind of vocals that sound like the dude’s bellowing has inadvertently led to him also emptying his bowels, Colosso‘s Hateworlds is a breath-taking and refreshingly diverse collection; one that ably showcases the myriad aspects of this bold and innovative death metal band without once compromising on their daring, aggressive and thunderingly apocalyptic sound.

Primarily the work of one-man wrecking ball Max Tomé, it’s also worth noting that the mighty Dirk Verbeuren (Megadeth, ex-Soilwork) is behind the kit on this release.

Moments of introspection may temper the storm – “Silenced” is a surprising left-turn into calmer waters – but, on the whole, Hateworlds is as aggressive as they come! 7/10


Detritus – Myths

Where: UK

Genre: Thrash Metal / Progressive Thrash Metal

Released: 19th February 2021 via Embryo Industries

The return of cult old-school UK progressive thrashers Detritus was one none of us were expecting but return they have….and with their first album in 28 years!

In fairness, the thrash tag is a little misleading as more often than not Detritus dwell in doom metal territory (which would be apt considering their Seventh Angel connections) with Mark Broomhead’s harsh baritone bellow adding to that presumption.

Myths is not perfect by any means (“Tale Of Sadness” is somewhat of a misfire) but overall this is a welcome return from a cult UK band whose early 90’s output – Perpetual Defiance (1990) and If But For One (1993) – deserve to be lauded for their fearless and experimental nature!

Detritus; it’s good to have you back! 7/10


Fractal Generator – Macrocosmos

Where: Canada

Genre: Technical Death Metal

Released: January 15th 2021 via Everlasting Spew Records

Canadian mentalists Fractal Generator have seriously delivered the goods on sophomore album, Macrocosmos.

Here’s the deal. It can be almost impossible to make music as technically adept and sonically devastating as this and also remain accessible and, most importantly, listenable but Macrocosmos achieves this with ease!

Without once abandoning death metal’s primal aggression, Fractal Generator have still managed to construct an intricate work that dodges standard devices while remaining resolutely memorable and, as it stands, Macrocosmos is currently the death metal standard bearer in 2021. 8/10


Repaid In Blood – Reflective Duality

Where: United States

Genre: Progressive Death Metal / Metalcore

Released: Independently on 21st January 2021


Reflective Duality finds Repaid In Blood maniacally bulldozing their way through eight tracks of pit-inducing fury!

Featuring guest appearances from members of Threat Signal, Allegaeon, Born of Osiris and Flub, Repaid In Blood blend crushing riffs, searing solos and ball shattering breakdowns with a variety of pop culture, movies, games and geekdom samples; resulting in a split-personality of an album rife with experimentation and diverse influences. 7/10

About Chris Jennings (1996 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

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