Godz Ov War Productions – Album Review Round-Up!
There's death metal....EVERYWHERE!

Godz Ov War Productions have been rather busy of late and with a raft of death metal albums up their sleeves, it was high time we had a round-up!
So, here’s some reviews…..
Nefarious Seed Grows to Bring Forth Supremacy of the Beast
Label: Godz Ov War Prod. / Malignant Voices
Format: CD / 12”LP
Release date: October 2017
Country: Poland
Genre: Death Metal/Black Metal
How’s that for an album title! It’s also pretty accurate as you wouldn’t be surprised if Satan did appear before your very eyes once you’ve blasted this slab of deathly filth!
Pure satanic, blasphemous, blast-beat filled carnage awaits the brave as these Polish barbarians unleash all manner of perverse debauchery in the name of glorious Satan. They’re damn good too, and no less adept than a band who burst forth from beelzebub’s loins way back in 1996 should be. It takes nothing to say you are a satanic death/black metal band but it takes everything to meet that moniker head-on.
As it turns out, Anima Dannata are the real fucking deal and Nefarious Seed Grows to Bring Forth Supremacy of the Beast is an absolute tirade of exceptional brutality. 8/10
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