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6 Under-Appreciated Classics Of UK Thrash (Pt.5)

Thrash it up, UK style!

Bomb Disneyland – Why Not! (1989)

Bomb Disneyland - Why Not? (1989, Vinyl) | Discogs

Also known as ‘Bomb Everything’ after Disneyland took offence (what, didn’t Mickey appreciate the English sense of humour, or something?!), these guys were an anomaly in that their music practically defied categorisation! 

However, with enough thrash thrown into the mix to balance out the  crossover / hardcore punk madness, Bomb Disneyland‘s place on this list is well earned. 

Aggressive crossover thrash may have been Bomb Disneyland‘s meat and potatoes but a big ol’ side order of tomfoolery was the satisfying accompaniment and, when thrown together, it all tasted damn good! 

15 tracks. 31mins. A rollicking good time. 

Faster bastards, FASTER!

Anihilated – Created In Hate (1988)

Anihilated – Created In Hate (1987, Vinyl) - Discogs

One of the most furiously feral thrash albums to ever emerge from the shores of the UK, Anihilated‘s raucous full length debut, Created In Hate, stands proud as one of the most bullish UK releases of the late 80’s.

Home to the iconic “Chase The Dragon” – a ferocious UK thrash classic if ever there was one – Anihilated were very much an aggressive and antagonistic beast in 1988.

With Anihilated‘s punk roots still informing much of their sound, it’s no surprise that when Anihilated weren’t playing fast….they were playing faster!

Which is just how we like it!

Xentrix – Scourge (1996)

Xentrix – Scourge (CD) - Discogs

Scourge is an album that receives a shit load of flack but Xentrix‘s mid-90’s effort is still an album of merit…..just one that needs to be taken in context!

With the departure of frontman and figurehead Chris Astley, Xentrix faced an uphill battle but Simon Gordon (Kill II This) was installed in his place and Xentrix soldiered on regardless. Admittedly, there’s a groove/rap metal element (a sign of the times unfortunately) to the likes of the title track and “Caught You Living”, but the thundering grooves and throaty holler of Simon Gordon still resulted in an album of mid-tempo thrashers that deserved way better a reception than it received.

Scourge isn’t a bad album by any means, it’s just not a match for Xentrix’s high water marks Shattered Existence or For Whose Advantage?….but that’s like saying Testament’s Low is completely without merit just because it’s not The Legacy or Practice What You Preach, which would be a ridiculous assertion! 

Also included in this series:

6 Under-Appreciated Classics Of UK Thrash (Pt.1)

6 Under-Appreciated Classics Of UK Thrash (Pt.2)

6 Under-Appreciated Classics Of UK Thrash (Pt.3)

6 Under-Appreciated Classics Of UK Thrash (Pt.4)

About Chris Jennings (1986 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

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