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Worship Metal Album Of The Week – Possessed – Revelations Of Oblivion

Demons rising!

The most anticipated album of the year is upon us! This isn’t just the return of a cult band…..this is the return of a band who invented an entire genre while still in their teens, a band who influenced those considered pioneers, a band who have been M.I.A. for three decades …..and their name, of course, is Possessed.

We have waited an excruciatingly long 33 years for Possessed to return with a full length album and it did feel like this day would never come. But here we are, with Revelations Of Oblivion in hand and, unsurprisingly, it is glorious!

While hardly a ‘revelation’, the joy in Possessed’s long-awaited third album begins and ends with Possessed playing the kind of blistering death/thrash which made them so important in the 80’s. Simply put, Jeff Becerra has banished the last 3 decades to hell, and Possessed has returned sounding exactly how you prayed (sic) they would.

A glorious combination of Seven Churches’ ferocity and Beyond The Gates’ more layered approach, Revelations is a skin-flaying ode to the genre Possessed birthed and maintains a reassuring sense of cohesion with their previous works. While it may not invoke the feelings of pure nihilistic annihilation their ground-breaking 80’s albums conjured – primarily due to familiarity – this is an album that still delivers on every level (particularly Jeff Becerra’s ever-reliable demonic vocals) and should be considered a triumphant comeback.

This is a relatively short and snappy review because there really is only one conclusion. If you consider yourself a metalhead you must, MUST, go out and buy this album. After all, without Possessed the thing you love the most could have turned into a very different, far less interesting, beast indeed. Mandatory listening. 9/10

Possessed’s Revelations Of Oblivion is out TODAY via Nuclear Blast!

About Chris Jennings (1986 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

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