Heavy. Heavier. Heaviest. The age old argument of which metal albums – in this case THRASH – were the heaviest rumbles on. We’ve weighed in with 5 of the heaviest [...]
Thrash not heavy enough? Death metal too heavy? Fear not! Death/thrash met you in the middle…. and in the late 80s and early 90s this fusion of the two genres gave us [...]
American death metal may have conquered the world in the 1990’s but it was spawned in the 1980’s…and it shook the metal world with its uncompromising stance on [...]
25 albums that made 1986 one of the greatest years in thrash metal history (listed in alphabetical order, not importance)….. Angel Dust – Into The Dark Past [Germany] [...]
Death metal may have conquered the world in the 1990’s but it was spawned in the 1980’s and it shook the metal world with its uncompromising stance on how [...]
Heavy. Heavier. Heaviest. The age old argument of which metal albums – in this case THRASH – were the heaviest rumbles on. We’ve weighed in with our 15 of [...]
By the time 1985 rolled around, thrash metal was already off to a more than healthy start but it could be argued that it was also the year when thrash truly broke [...]
Death metal may have conquered the world in the 1990’s but it was spawned in the 1980’s and it shook the metal world with its uncompromising stance on how ‘heavy’ [...]
Sure, The Big 4 released some of the greatest thrash metal albums ever recorded but what of those American thrash albums that fell largely by the wayside, those albums [...]
By the time 1985 rolled around, thrash metal was already off to a more than healthy start but it could be argued that 1985 was the year when thrash truly broke through, [...]