Death metal may have conquered the world in the 1990’s but it was spawned in the 1980’s and it shook the metal world with its uncompromising stance on how [...]
Worship Metal casts its critical eye over 10 MORE under-appreciated classics of early 90’s AMERICAN DEATH METAL and you can forget the big guns of the [...]
2021 found DEATH METAL at the top of its game, with old bands and new unleashing a torrent of high-quality albums for us hardened lovers of all things death metal to [...]
With the legendary lungs of David Ingram (Benediction, Down Among The Dead Men, Echelon, ex-Bolt Thrower) popping up on yet another album (he is a busy, busy man!), [...]
If you fondly recall the heady days of death metal’s initial ascendancy and are still in love with the likes of Pestilence’s Consuming Impulse, Morbid [...]
The UK continued to churn out high calibre death metal in 2020 and Worship Metal have selected the 5 releases we feel are most worthy of your attention. Worship Metal’s 5 [...]
We’ve covered the 5 greatest death metal albums of 1989, 1990, 1991 and 1992 and now onto 1993. The year that found death metal continuing on its all-conquering path, [...]
2019 truly was a fantastic year for death metal in all its guises. So, what else could we do but throw together a list of those death metal albums that most rocked our [...]
Death metal is currently in very rude health and you wouldn’t want to miss out on a future classic now, would ya?! Now you won’t have to, as here lies Worship [...]
Having waxed lyrical about 10 old school death metal albums we’d decided we couldn’t possibly live without, we thought we’d throw ANOTHER 10 into the mix as [...]