Lately, the British death metal scene has been focused on more abstract, atonal and cavernous-sounding death metal (as influenced by bands like U.S. DM legends Incantation [...]
Abyss Of Wrathful Deities is GRAVE MIASMA’s latest opus after five years of quiescence. Bone-breaking, aggressive and demonic Death Metal pairs with the accomplished and [...]
A cold slab of meaty black metal always goes down a treat when served up properly – as opposed to the lukewarm morsel of barely audible, recorded in a tin can, one-man [...]
This snarling pack of mythical bastards includes members of The Bezerker, Psycroptic and Abramelin and their pedigree (natch) is writ large on this nihilistic sophomore [...]
Abhomine is a self-described heaving, grinding mass of gnarliness and abject sonic cruelty and just the kind of aural depravity you’d expect from the man (Pete Helmkamp) [...]
Earth Rot‘s appropriation of Scandinavian sounds may mark this outfit out as Swedish through and through and yet these guys, surprisingly, hail from Australia. [...]
The Ones From Hell is the fourth album from Necrowretch, a band who made a massive impact on the underground scene almost a decade ago! Their debut album, Putrid Death [...]
Deadspawn are fuckin’ nasty; inhumanely vicious even. They’re certainly malevolent and maladjusted, intent on maiming at will with their sound that ably mixes [...]
You’re traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of [...]
Should black metal (even melodic black metal) ever be described as palatable? Probably not, but that’s a fair summation of Cloak’s sophomore release, The Burning Dawn, [...]