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Worship Metal Album Of The Week – Speedtrap – Straight Shooter

Slow down for fucks sake, you'll cause yourself a mischief!

Source // cs622819.vk.me

Hurtling out of Finland, Speedtrap’s debut album, Powerdose, turned heads as it roared past back in 2013. Now it’s time to soak up their gasoline-soused sophomore effort and it ups the ante considerably; their latest stampede, Straight Shooter, showcasing an even more streamlined sound.

“Savage The Prey” and “Serve Your Masters” are full-throttle assaults on the senses; banshee shrieks and barely-in-control solos and trade-off’s reaching inhuman speeds yet somehow maintaining their course. There’s just no slowing these mutherfuckers down. This is balls to the wall heavy metal, blissfully unaware that it’s not 1982 and completely focused on riffing your face off.

Finland, you cheeky buggers, not only are you home to the unquestionably breathtaking Ranger but you’re also housing Speedtrap. Greedy buggers. At least the UK has Stereo Nasty and Toledo Steel, Canada has Skull Fist, Cauldron and Striker, Sweden has Enforcer, Steelwing and Air Raid and the U.S. has Holy Grail and White Wizzard to re-address the balance.

This relatively recent Trad Metal revival we’re witnessing is going from strength to strength and it would apper that Speedtrap are positioning themselves at the forefront of the movement. With Straight Shooter they’re positively sprinting out of the traps with an album that lovers of early 80’s Motorhead, Riot and NWOBHM luminaries Jaguar can get a kick out of while appeasing the new breed of New Wave Of Traditional Heavy Metal lovers in the process.

There’s really no need to rant on. One simple question will conclude this review perfectly. Do you love Metal? If you answered yes – and of course you did- then stop what you’re doing and go seek this album out. Now! 8/10

About Chris Jennings (1986 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

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