Vengeful Atonement – At First We Burn – Single Review
At first we....mosh!
Sonically emerging from the ruins of a war-torn city, Coventry’s Vengeful Atonement herald the end of days on “At First We Burn”, the first track made available from their forthcoming debut album of the same name.
As an early indicator of what to expect from the album, “At First We Burn” delivers an abundance of positive signs that should result in an album worth tuning your ear to. Liquid leads cement a classic metal sound and a barrage of fast rhythmic bass and super double-kick drumming (Vengeful Atonement’s words and who are we to argue) propel the track at ballistic speeds, culminating in an epic 7 minute experience that throws a colossal breakdown into the mix as a closing sign off. Nice.
The only distraction from an otherwise clinical delivery are the clean vocals of the chorus, which don’t quite land with the impact necessary to make them memorable. That minor quibble aside, the harsh barks/growls that make up the majority of the track are delivered with shit-kicking gusto, providing enough grit and venom to elevate “At First We Burn” from merely mediocre to highly promising indeed. Bring on the album! 7/10
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