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Iraconji – Global Genocide – Album Review

Thrash 'til death....

Source // metalheadalliance.wixsite.com

Hailing from Nashville, death-thrashers Iraconji have unveiled their debut, Global Genocide, and it’s an impressive statement of intent from these borderline psychos that couldn’t be further from the genre of music normally associated with their hometown.

Smashing headfirst into the chugging riffs of the title track, Iraconji instantly appeal with a gritted-teeth determination to smash skulls; comfortingly familiar thrash riffs meld with death metal vocals as the band herald armageddon in their own inimitable way. Frankly, the brutality slowly increases from then on in.

“Swamp Donkey” is as brilliantly ridiculous as it sounds – akin to getting kicked square in the cock by the aforementioned bog-dwelling, bucking-mule – but be warned, Iraconji are no joke and the majority of the material on Global Genocide is set to kill mode and kill mode only. While an over reliance on galloping rhythms may suggest tiresome repetition, a good gallop is exactly what the neck of a metalhead loves and there’s enough punishing variety here to easily maintain your attention.

Penultimate track, “Death To Posers”, tips its hat to bay-area legends Exodus and while Gary Holt’s boys are an obvious inspiration, Iraconji draw from both the greats of late 80’/early 90’s thrash and death metal, delivering a consistently impressive set of tinnitus-inducing odes to carnal violence in the process.

Our verdict; good ol’ wholesome death/thrash delivered with aplomb and as deadly as the box jellyfish that inspired their name! 7/10

Iraconji Global Genocide

About Chris Jennings (1996 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

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