Psython – Hatred – Album Review
Hatred? Don't be stupid.....we love this!

A little bit of thrash action always goes down well and the UK’s own Psython are rather adept at playing hard, playing fast and thrashin’ your tits clean off! Hatred is album number two from these Sheffield thrashers and while debut …Outputs was a solid slab of punk thrash, this is another prospect entirely and blew us away from the very first song!
Coming across like a mix of latter day Destruction meets Municipal Waste and Nuclear Assault, the desired crunch is evident but it’s backed by some shit-hot soloing and moments of semi-melodic panache. These guys sure can play and they’ve fashioned a surprising and satisfying release that’s beyond consistent, it’s 9 tracks of all killer thrash dominance.
While Bing Garcia’s vocals are a love ’em or hate ’em affair – this is a voice that’s coarser than wiping your arse with sandpaper after an all you can eat vindaloo challenge – they’re actually a perfect fit and it’s pretty damn clear that he’ll masterfully scream, roar and bellow over whatever his band mates throw at him. Incidentally, it’s also clear that Psython can shit a good song in their sleep as each and every track on Hatred is a steaming brew of violence and aggression topped off with a heady whiff of experimentation.
We’re even treated to a little Nevermore/Artillery-esque progression on “H.A.T.E”, upping the ante when it comes to technicality and yet it still shreds….as does the entire album.
And why stop there?
There’s a slap-bass moment in the irresistible “Chai Latte” that brings to mind Mordred and the UK’s own (unfairly forgotten) Ignorance. It all adds up to some serious head-banging diversity that never lets up and never fails to surprise. The 9 min+ closer titled “Old Man” is testament to that, as Psython channel their inner Neurosis (literally and figuratively) to spew dissonance and pure primal fury from their very core before unleashing a mid-paced chug-fest of epic proportions.
Psython “hate everybody and [they] hope [we] all fuckin’ die” and the only problem with that is that we kinda fuckin’ love ’em. If only the feeling was reciprocated! 9/10
Hatred is self-produced and will be released on 01.09.17
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