Denouncement Pyre – Forever Burning – Album Review
Exhilarating, evil....and throughly fuckin' enjoyable!

One of Australia’s fiercest blackened death metal bands, Denouncement Pyre, unleashed their 4th album, Forever Burning, on an unsuspecting extreme metal world back in June.
One gander at the epic cover art by Mitchell Nolte and you know that Denouncement Pyre are no pretenders. These aren’t trendy Swedeath wanna-be’s, oh no! Denouncement Pyre are a quintet of extremely talented musicians and songwriters who balance their brutality with catchy riffs, melodic hooks and razor sharp musicianship.
Though they take influence from classic Swedish blackened death metal (Dissection and Sacramentum spring to mind), there’s an undeniable barbarity to Denouncement Pyre’s music that is thoroughly Australian – think bands like Destroyer 666 and Nazxul for a comparable intensity.
Denouncement Pyre’s consistent songwriting adds a level of complexity to their music that speaks volumes for both their musical talent and their total grasp of the art of memorable blackened death metal. These are top-tier extreme metal musicians, that’s for damn sure!
The band released a straight-forward performance video for the searing “Hung Like Swine” and it will give you a good idea of Denouncement Pyre‘s modus operandi and the relentless force of their music.
Making waves with extreme metal can take a monumental effort but, with Forever Burning, Denouncement Pyre were more than up to the task. Here’s to hoping that the quartet garner the press and accolades that they so fully deserve with Forever Burning…. as this is an awesomely well-rounded foray into the darkest realms of extremity. 9/10
Denouncement Pyre‘s Forever Burning was released on June 17th, 2022 via Agonia Records.

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