Acid Age – Like A Runaway Combine Harvester In A Field Of Crippled Rabbits – Album Review
Like a runaway thrash act faltering in a field of far superior bands....
Acid Age are Belfast’s premiere “Hyper Thrash” band and Like A Runaway Combine Harvester In A Field Of Crippled Rabbitsis(!) is their third full length album since forming in 2013. Anybody wondering what “Hyper Thrash” sounds like, well the answer is not particularly different to normal thrash. No surprise there!
Acid Age are the brainchild of guitarist Milk and, to be fair to him, he’s obviously a talented chap who knows his way around a fretboard. The problem is, apart from a few decent riffs it quickly becomes apparent that Acid Age are bereft of real ideas and tricks are recycled throughout the album; such as dropping in a bluesy lead here and there. They try too hard to be ‘kooky’, which means the music comes across as stilted and lacking in intensity. Which takes some effort considering some of the speeds they reach (that’ll be the hyper thrash) and the less said about the cringeworthy backing vocals on the likes of “Manifesto De Hyper Thrash” the better. Still, praise must go to departed drummer Luke Tolcher who plays like an absolute demon throughout, not only can he blast away with the best of them but he can also drop in a few intricate fills when required. Nice work.
In the end, Acid Age have delivered an album that’s formulaic and they’ve done very little to differentiate themselves from their peers. The one ‘song’ that does stick out – and does so for all the wrong reasons – is the self explanatory closing track “Prank Call”. This puerile rubbish is the sort of thing that reinforces negative stereotypes against metal fans and appeared dated 20 odd years ago, nevermind today. The fact they see fit to throw in some casual racism – for added offensiveness – at the end of it only succeeds in making them look like a bunch of neanderthal fuckwits.
This album is not big, smart, clever or funny. Best filed under avoid. 2/10
I like this album, I disagree with you on the suspect. It blends grindcore and jazz in with thrash and has lots of fun. I have no idea what could possibly be racist about it either…