Transcending Obscurity Unveil Their 2018 Records Label Sampler – FREE DOWNLOAD! fans of extremity a real heads-up as what to look out for in 2018!

Transcending Obscurity have unveiled their much awaited 2018 label sampler via their official BANDCAMP page!
ALL songs are absolutely fresh and never heard before including bands that haven’t even been officially announced yet….giving fans of extremity a real heads-up as what to look out for in 2018!
Track listing –
1. HEADS FOR THE DEAD (International) – Serpent’s Curse (Death Metal)
2. DOWN AMONG THE DEAD MEN (International) – …And You Will Obey Me (Crust/Death Metal)
3. NATTRAVNEN (International) – Suicidium, The Seductress Of Death (Death Metal)
4. ROGGA JOHANSSON (Sweden) – The Re-emergers (Death Metal)
5. FERAL (Sweden) – Horrendous Sight (Death Metal)
6. EYE OF PURGATORY (International) – Fornever To Awaken (Swedish Death Metal)
7. CRAWL (Sweden) – Suffer (Death Metal)
8. DEPRAVITY (Australia) – Despondency (Dark Death Metal)
9. DE PROFUNDIS (UK) – War Be Upon Him (Death Metal)
10. HENRY KANE (UK) – Age of the Idiot (Death Metal/Crust)
11. SADISTIK FOREST (Finland) – Destructive Art (Death Metal)
12. WARLORD UK (UK) – Graveyard Planet (Old School Death Metal)
13. CEREBRUM (Greece) – A Face Unknown (Technical Death Metal)
14. XPUS (Italy) – Holy Sperm Upon The Lambs (Black/Death Metal)
15. BOKLUK (Spain) – Black Gush (Gnarly Death Metal)
16. SATHANAS (US) – The Left Hand Of Satan (Black/Thrash Metal)
17. NIGREDO (Greece) – Choronzon Possession (Black Metal)
18. IMPERIALIST (US) – The Singularity (Black/Death Metal)
19. OROB (France) – The Wanderer (Atmospheric Black Metal)
20. THE WANDERING ASCETIC (Singapore) – The Will To Live (Black/Thrash Metal)
21. OFFICIUM TRISTE (Netherlands) – World In Flames (Atmospheric Death/Doom Metal)
22. TOWARDS ATLANTIS LIGHTS (International) – Babylon’s Hanging Gardens (Atmospheric Doom Metal)
23. ET MORIEMUR (Czech Republic) – Dies Irae (Atmospheric Doom/Black Metal)
24. ILLIMITABLE DOLOR (Australia) – Soil She Bears (Atmospheric Death/Doom Metal)
25. LURK (Finland) – Reclaim (Atmospheric Sludge Metal)
26. ESOGENESI (Italy) – Abominio (Doom/Death Metal)
27. TÓM (Iceland) – Erak (Atmospheric Sludge/Doom)
28. CHALICE OF SUFFERING (US) – The Mist of Once Was (Doom Metal)
29. ARCHE (Finland) – Funereal Folds (Atmospheric Death/Doom Metal)
30. P.H.O.B.O.S. (France) – Igneous Tephrapotheosis (Atmospheric Black/Doom Metal)
31. VEILBURNER (US) – Where Torment Has Danced Before (Experimental Black Metal)
32. 0N0 (Slovakia) – The Crown Unknown (Atmospheric Doom/Death Metal)
33. PROJECT OMEGA (Georgia) – Al Che Per Lui Ne Fia La Terra Aperta (Experimental Black Metal)
34. MORGUE SUPPLIER (US) – Cultic Rape (Experimental Death/Grind)
35. CHAOS MOTION (France) – Perturbation Of A Spin (Technical Death Metal)
36. PYRRHIC SALVATION (US) – A Martyr To Never Awaken (Experimental Black/Death Metal)
Kicking off this label sampler is the death metal group of bands starting with several supergroups that have members having ties with bands like REVEL IN FLESH, BOLT THROWER, HAIL OF BULLETS, PAGANIZER, WOMBBATH, HOODED MENACE, IMPIETY, etc….and also some fine new bands from around the world!
Tracks 16-20 – BLACK METAL HORDE
A mix of bands that are unrelenting in the style as well as atmospheric in expression.
We can only hope 2018 will be as great a year for doom as 2017 has proved to be. There are some absolutely majestic releases lined up with a fitting packaging to boot, starting with the glorious supergroup TOWARDS ATLANTIS LIGHTS.
Unconventional and bold, this section is for the adventurous. It marks the return of the mighty P.H.O.B.O.S. and sublime followup albums by mavericks such as VEILBURNER, 0N0, MORGUE SUPPLIER and more!
Thanks for the information, i had experimented their 2016 sampler and there was some relly great stuff.