The News Atrophy Fans Have Been Waiting For!
With every man and his thrashing dog reforming there’s a few thrash comebacks that warrant a rabid response….and the return of Arizona’s Atrophy has certainly been one of them.
So far, Atrophy’s reformation has resulted in live performances only but the band have now confirmed that new material is finally on the horizon!
Taking to Facebook, Atrophy have this to say, “For the first time in almost 25 years we are working on brand new songs for you all! And for those who don’t want to hear new material, we will also be dumping a track or two off of our elusive third album demo from 1993 that we swear exists! It has no vocals, and the production quality is not perfect. It also has no Chris Lykins. But it has some of the best riffs that Rick ever wrote. It’s killer. Everybody wins basically!”
We are inclined to agree, it’s a win-win situation for thrash fans all round.
Violent by nature? Thrash by nature!
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