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Wildfire Festival 2015 Video Interviews including Diamond Head’s Brian Tatler

Diamond Head - Source // Dutch Michaels

Wildfire Festival 2015 was an unmitigated success with some truly stunning performances from the likes of Crimes of Passion, Knock Out Kaine, Tysondog and Diamond Head. Featuring an array of talent, these 4 bands particularly stood out from a rather impressive pack and were gracious enough to give video interviews to Aggy “G” of Pink Mafia.

Crimes Of Passion (aka C.O.P UK) [9] had the unenviable task of kicking things off at 1pm on a Friday afternoon. Undeterred, the band produced a storming set led by their god-sized vocalist whose thunder-lunged delivery, backed by a band delivering a Melodic-Metal masterclass, threatened to steal the show before it had even begun! To watch their interview click here.

Knock Out Kaine [8] were an unexpected highlight, all 80’s sleaze and 100% Rock ‘N’ Roll attitude. Top tunes and funny as f*ck these guys are tighter than a nuns chuff and come highly recommended. To watch their interview click here.

Tysondog [8] bought some veritable old-school grit to proceedings with classic Proto-Thrash numbers “Don’t Let The Bastards Grind You Down” and “Blood Money” sounding as super-charged as ever. New tricks? These dogs don’t need ’em! To watch their interview click here.

Diamond Head [9] are legends, their early to mid 80’s albums are timeless and to see them in such a relatively small venue (tent) was a joy to behold. Cranking out all the classics – “Lightning To The Nations”, “It’s Electric”, “To The Devil His Due”, “Borrowed Time, “In The Heat Of The Night” and an exquisite “Am I Evil” – while at times it felt like watching a Diamond Head tribute act, spearheaded by Diamond Head founder Brian Tatler of course, the strength of the material and the quality of the performance far outweighed any longing for Sean Harris et all. With a new album imminent, Diamond Head are looking hungrier than ever. To watch their interview click here.


About Chris Jennings (1997 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

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