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The Albums That Kept Nu-Metal Alive In 2017!

Nu-Metal lives on!

Love it or despise it, nu metal forged on in 2017 as more bands than ever popped out of the woodwork to give this baggy-panted nonsense a second chance!

With Machine Head seemingly embracing the ‘Nu’ once again on forthcoming album Catharsis, it looks like this much maligned genre is not going away soon…..so we’ve handpicked those albums that kept nu-metal alive in 2017 and will drag it, kicking and screaming, into 2018!

Marilyn Manson – Heaven Upside Down

The God of Fuck was back to his best on album number 10(!), bringing the nightmarish industrialised landscapes of career highlight Antichrist Superstar spitting and snarling into the present day.

Ironically, over 20 years later, Marilyn Manson‘s iconic sound is more prescient than ever; a chillingly accurate dichotomy of modern life fed through MM’s twisted vision. With his socio-political lyrics proving to be as intelligent and as ‘biting’ as ever, one of metal’s greatest antiheroes was back to his horrifying best.

Are we currently living in hell on earth? Heaven Upside Down certainly paints a vivid enough picture to make that statement indisputable!

Dirty Machine – Discord

Dirty, dark and decidedly hostile, Dirty Machine‘s Discord was the rap-metal album of 2017, positively packed to the rafters with catchy-as-fuck gruff raps, soaring cleans, Sevendust-esque crunchy riffs and no end of bounce.

The kind of music that may not win awards for intelligence, Dirty Machine’s sole purpose is to fuck shit up and get this party started…..and what more could you possibly want from a rap-metal act?!

Haters will hate but nu-metal fans will lap up this P.O.D meets Limp Bizkit explosion of riotous nu metal!

Ocean Grove – The Rhapsody Tapes

The debut studio album from Australian nu metallers Ocean Grove was an abrasive mix of hardcore punk, hip-hop, electronica and no end of dislocated styles!

Almost impossible to pigeonhole, Ocean Grove’s mish-mash of influences certainly resulted in one of 2017′ most unique releases; an album with the capability to appeal to music lovers well out of the realms of metal but still heavy enough to endear them to alt metal/nu metal fans around the world.

Operating within a sphere of their own making, The Rhapsody Tapes took nu metal by the throat and actually managed to wring something new and exciting out of it…..and that’s no mean feat!

About Chris Jennings (1996 Articles)
I love metal. Always have. Always will. As editor of Worship Metal - a site dedicated to being as positive about metal and its myriad of sub-genres as possible - my aim is to 'worship' metal through honest reviews, current news and a wide variety of features; offering the same exposure to underground bands as we do to mainstream/well known acts. Our mantra; the bands are partners and we exist to serve the bands \m/

2 Comments on The Albums That Kept Nu-Metal Alive In 2017!

  1. Irvin Kelly // April 18, 2018 at 8:36 pm // Reply

    What about DED’s debut album?

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