Zalmoxis – A Nocturnal Emanation – EP Review
A worthy listen for anyone enamoured with the more ethereal of black metal arts!

One man German black metal act Zalmoxis has re-emerged from the darkness with an ambitious 25-minute single track / mini album, ominously bearing the title A Nocturnal Emanation. An apt title if ever there was one as mainman Entheogen painstakingly erects a hypnotically tribal and often unsettling monument to the darkest recesses of the soul.
Windswept and wistful in its unwavering commitment to black metal experimentation, Entheogen’s howls, shrieks and moans are as unpredictable and twisted as the music that surrounds them and the result is the sound of torment; both tantalising and terrifying in equal measure.
A worthy listen for anyone enamoured with the more ethereal of black metal arts! 7/10
A Nocturnal Emanation
Signal Rex
Released: 31st January, 2020
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