Kraanium – Slamchosis – Album Review
For fans of Devourment, Skinless, Disentomb......

With Kraanium bouncing (and slamming) back from the sad passing of frontman Martin Funderud, these Norwegian brutal death metal specialists have recruited Jack Christensen (Decay Existence / Septic Congestion) and are ready to reclaim their crown as kings of slam……and Slamchosis may very well be the album to do it!
Kraanium don’t do finesse, they simply butcher you in front of your loved ones; with no remorse and no quarter given (except for the fact they’re planning on literally quartering you with a meat cleaver). It’s hard work too – or so says the soundbite at the start of opening track “Bound To Kill” but Kraanium make light work of their art, resulting in a set of brutal death metal anthems which will appeal to sadists across the board!
This is next level sickness, with Kraanium’s slams hitting devastatingly hard. It’s all utterly ridiculous of course, with upmost brutality being the nauseating order of the day. Still, if ear-clattering noise and unrelenting ferocity are your (sick) bag then Kraanium’s 5th opus will satiate any and all hunger for this sort of filth.
A quick note about the song titles, which are always a high point when it comes to this genre. Take for instance, the highly comical “Blob of Inhuman Metamorphic Transfusion” (that’s nice, isn’t it), the highly questionable “Larva Infested Cum Sluts” (not sure about that one) and the highly unnerving “Forced Rectal Exhumation” (we’re calling the Police).
So, take overwhelming heaviness and bewildering speed. Take vomit inducing lyrics and inhuman vocals (if you can call them vocals). Basically, take a total disregard for your well being and fill your ear-holes with some of the most brutal death metal of 2018.
Comatose Music have been keeping Slamchosis safely behind bars, but on October 26th they’ll be sliding back the bolts and releasing this maniacal, bloodthirsty horror from its cage! So, put on your big-boy pants, you’re about to get slammed! 7/10
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