Imperium – Titanomachy – Album Review
Technical death metal just got deadly serious again.....

Bored of Nile and their death metal history lessons? Hopefully not, as the UK’s very own answer to the Egyptian obsessed blast-beaters are here to deliver their own death metal education, focusing on both Greek mythology and the time honoured tradition of pummelling you into submission with each and every round of bruising, brutal technical death metal.
Imperium are no bandwagon jumping clone however, the sheer level of dazzling technicality bubbling away on Titanomachy enough to waylay any misapprehension. They are simply yet another outstanding band plying their trade in the UK underground and ample proof that the UK currently has a death metal scene to rival the best in the world. It’s of note that while Titanomachy is undoubtedly a tech death release, Imperium are not drinking from the same gene pool as the majority of modern tech-heads. An old-school vibe pervades throughout and this results in an insanely catchy set of dazzling tunes. “The Unseen One” particularly evokes the spirit of Deicide, Morbid Angel and Hate Eternal, channeling that indefinable rage and fearless endeavour for a modern audience.
An eruption of ideas awaits the brave, Titanomachy revelling in its turbulent rhythms and palpable drama with Mike Alexander’s riffs running the gamut of death metal influences and the accomplished growls of Doug Anderson (Unfathomable Ruination’s sticks-man, is there no end to this dude’s death metal talents?) culminating in a coherent, seamless work of genius that the God’s themselves would bow down to!
Technical death metal just got deadly serious again. 9/10
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