Escape Is Not Feedom – Goldsmith – Album Review
Escape Is Not Freedom are not a band we have been familiar with at Worship Metal, that is until until their new self released album Goldsmith popped into our inbox. Promising a tantalizing concoction of rock, sludge, noise and grunge this was hopefully going to be worthy of a blast or two.
“Coriander” gets proceedings off to a promising start with a reasonably lenghty intro that slowly builds to a crescendo before kicking into a mid paced groove. At this point, the feeling is that Goldsmith could be a bit of a treat, however it soon becomes apparent that this is not going to be the case and the band are simply content to keep plowing the same furrow; with precious little to differentiate one song from the other.
In fact, there are three, huge, missed opportunities on this album.
For the songs “Annul”, “Dispossessed” and “Harbinger”, Escape Is Not Freedom employ the talents of a female vocalist by the name of Emily Jancetic. These songs were surely the lads opportunity to stretch their wings and show us just what they are capable off but instead we get ethereal vocals over the same mid paced music. Shame.
Alas, these are not the only issues. An album such as this should sound mired in filth and danger but despite the raw guitars on display, Goldmith actually comes across as clinical and sterile. Instead of repeatedly punching you in the kidneys, it lightly slaps you round the face.
That being said, all is not lost.
Escape Is Not Freedom are a young band and you get the feeling that if they took a few more risks they could make a name for themselves….only time will tell if that’s the case. 5/10
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