Boia – Chivalry Of Death – EP Review
Nuthin' chivalrous about this lot!

The press release for Chivalry Of Death mentions Manowar but Italy’s Boia are, sonically, as far removed from those heavy/power metal legends as you can get! Instead, Chivalry Of Death is a blackened thrash maelstrom that also incorporates old-school black metal and death metal influences to deliver a necro-blast of anguish and aggression.
Raucous and rowdy, gravelly and growly, fans of the blackened thrash conjured by Destruction and Sodom in the early to mid 80’s will get one hell of a kick out of these, hardly chivalrous, miscreants of mayhem.
As you’d probably expect, the tracks all sound relatively the same but at least “From The Depths” throws a little Morbid Tales-era Celtic Frost into the mix, melding a crushing languid pace with blasts of necro-carnage! We all know this style works because its a decades old formula and sometimes a neanderthal trudge through time-honoured structures is all you need to get your head-a-banging! Fortunately, that’s exactly what Boia do….and they do it well!
Chivalry Of Death simply adds up to 12 mins of Boia’s brand of barbaric bestiality.
Who wants some?! 7/10
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