Atomic Symphony – Redemption – Album Review

Accomplished musicianship and intelligent composition make up the nine tracks on Redemption, the debut album from Swiss prog metallers Atomic Symphony. In true prog rock/metal style, Atomic Symphony take you on a journey of ‘fiddly fingers’ and musical wonderment from beginning to end. On the down side, Redemption can come over as a little self indulgent and makes Atomic Symphony more of a musicians band. Not that it’s a requirement to be a musician in order to appreciate the technical side of this self-produced production….but it certainly helps!
Atomic Symphony were formed in 2009 as a Symphonic Metal Band and while a symphonic element still permeates throughout, the strong influence of Dream Theatre and Meshuggah has resulted in a wise decision to fully move over to Progressive Metal. The hardened metallic edge to their sound proves undeniably effective and the cacophony of composition provided by Roberto Barlocci (Guitar), Carlo Beltrame (Keys), Thomas Spoegler (Bass), Marc Friedrich (Drums) and vocalist Jasmin Baggenstos adds just enough grit to counterbalance the highly melodic nature of these tracks.
“Face The Evil” is a suitably epic highlight and fully showcases the powerful vocals of Jasmin Baggenstos that anchor the band. While the nature of her delivery can tend to be a little too ‘samey’, it’s the bridges she creates between the solos and the combustible ever-toughening, ever-increasing speed of this fantastic centre-piece that thrills the most.
As a live band one wonders if they can recreate the technical achievements on this album. If they can, then Atomic Symphony fully deserve to go onto greater things and – from the evidence so far – a great future beckons! 7/10
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